LIFESTYLE|| The Act of Gratitude

Hello beauties,

This is officially my first post in the month of July. If this is your first time here, then I welcome you heartily to my space. As for those of you that have stuck with me, I’m overwhelmed by your love and your constant visit to this tiny space of mine. Truth be told the stats are overwhelming. When I see people’s reply and how they are genuinely interested in my jargon I just want to cry 😢.

Yes, I’m back and better. My exams are finally over. I successfully wrote 10 papers and answered 50 questions in all. Thank you all for the prayers, kind words and words of encouragement. I think one of the driving force for me throughout the exam phase is the fact that I must come back to share a testimony with you all. I connect with you all like we’ve all met. I look forward to meeting some people though. People like Joan, Oyin and Ije.

EditI’d be talking about gratitude and the act of being grateful. I have come to notice that being grateful doesn’t come easy to us as millennials. From my random research, I discovered that saying thank you or genuinely showing gratitude is such a big deal to us in this generation. The sad truth is that this act has filtrated into our relationship with God. We do not see a reason to be grateful or thankful to God for sparing our lives and giving us our daily needs because all the things we have asked for has not been delivered at our feet.

EditThe high time you realise that gratitude makes it easy for you to receive another the better for you. One of the quickest ways to switch your negative energy to positive emotions is to practice the art of gratitude. Being grateful allure you up and let in all the good that you are seeking.

EditWhen you’re grateful and thankful for something, then you will enter the state of allowing.

These are some practical ways you can show gratitude in this new week;

  1. Keep a gratitude journal
  2. Verbally say thank you for everything’s you see as insignificant
  3. Don’t complain for 24 hours
  4. Write a thank you note to someone
  5. Give a genuine compliment to a random stranger.
  6. Say a heart felt Thanksgiving prayer to God.

Gratitude leads to appreciation and appreciation leads to love and love leads to everything you desire. Love is the magnet to all positive energy.

EditTo attract more of those things that you desire, all you have to do is to make it a habit to focus your consciousness in being grateful and thankful.

Don’t forget to be deliberate and you act and gratitude this week and watch things turn around for your favour.
What are you particularly grateful for in this week, month and year?

Till my next post, remain beautiful and catch me on Bloglovin’, Instagram and Twitter

***Hugs and Kisses***


11 thoughts on “LIFESTYLE|| The Act of Gratitude

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  1. Hey Koz! Welcome back🙌🙌🙌… I’ve been counting down those exams with you foreal! Haha… Take time to chill and catch up on all the fun stuff exams deprive us of. Love your tips on gratitude, especially the one about not complaining for 24hrs. I’m taking that one seriously✋. Thanks for sharing 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Interesting post. Have you heard about the gratitude jar before? Basically how it works is that you write daily gratitude notes on what you are thankful for then fold and place in the jar until it is filled. On a day when you feel discouraged, you can pull out the jar and read all the notes in it to be encouraged at how far you have come!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow I’ve never heard of this but I would surely consider this. This would be awesome for those bad days. Thanks Jamila for sharing.


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