Life Lately|| What have I be up to?

Ahem clears throat, removes cobwebs…

Long time no blog, long time no see! Can you believe it’s been more than 24 months since I last tapped away at this keyboard, pouring my thoughts and rants? Yeah, me neither. Truth be told, a little part of me worried this platform might’ve become an abandoned digital museum, gathering dust and echoes of past posts. But like, surprise! You’re still here, reading this. And honestly, that warms my soul more than you know.

Image of Oiza Balogun wearing a white dress and a brown jacket. She is smiling widely at the camera

So, what the heck happened? Where did I disappear to? The answer, my friends, is a tangled mix of life’s whirlwind and a temporary (read this as almost permanent) case of writer’s block. I had to give myself a pep talk to be able to write this.

The “cares of life,” swallowed me whole for a while. Work and the existential crisis of entering my 30s (yup, welcome me to the club!) all felt like a giant game of “spin the wheel of overwhelm.”

Oiza standing behind a green landscape

Turns out, while I was M.I.A. from the blogosphere, some pretty incredible things were happening behind the scenes. Career-wise, I finally got into the world of marketing communication properly. I have been prearing for this moment for a while. I a landed job I really enjoyed, worked on iconic brands, and even discovered a newfound confidence in my professional skills. Who knew “change is good” could actually be true?

From Left to RIght: Lucklyn Audu, Angel SMith, Oiza Balogun and Enioluwa for the recording of "Of Blood Bones and Water Podcast

Speaking of change, this year officially ushered me into the land of the big 3-0. And unlike my usual birthday blues, this one felt surprisingly sweet. Maybe it was the first-ever birthday cake I received, or maybe it was the realization that growing older doesn’t have to be a slow descent into wrinkles and regrets. It can be an exciting journey of self-discovery and learning.

Oiza wearing an african print

But life, of course, isn’t just sunshine there were moments I wanted to throw in the towel, scream into the void, and call it quits. But amidst the chaos, I stumbled upon some invaluable lessons – 10, to be precise – that helped me navigate the ups and downs of these past years.

And like you know, I don’t keep my lessons to myself! Brace yourselves as I crack open this time capsule and dissect the gems of wisdom I unearthed in two years. Here comes the wisdom (hopefully not too preachy) nugget drop:


You know those friends who stick around when the glitter fades and the confetti settles? Yeah, those are keepers. Sometimes, taking a step back helps you appreciate the ones who hold your hand through the wobbly bits (and, trust me, there were wobbly bits in 2023).


Blood may be thicker than water, but sometimes the water starts asking some pointed questions about your life choices. This year, I learned that a strong family bond can weather any storm (and believe me, my family had some doozies of the storm this year). So, hug your loved ones tight, because those are the folks who truly get you.


Not everything has a tidy explanation, but having something and someone to believe in can be a lifesaver. As you get older, you realize you need an anchor, something to steady you when the waves get rough. This year, my faith was put to the test, and let me tell you, I don’t know how I would’ve navigated it all without a little divine intervention.


Passion is the fuel, but stepping outside your comfort zone is like adding fireworks to the mix. I’m still unpacking this one, but trust me, those late nights burning the midnight candle will illuminate your path eventually. Just keep chasing your dreams, even if they involve spreadsheets at ungodly hours.


Money may not buy happiness, but financial peace sure does take the sting out of a bad day. Don’t let anyone tell you money isn’t important – it’s the air we breathe. This year, a health scare showed me just how crucial financial stability is. So, in 2024, I’m making passive income my middle name.


Your body is your temple, so treat it like the goddess it is. Listen to its whispers and prioritize preventative care. You owe it to yourself to fuel it with good food and enough sleep.


You are the Beyoncé of your life, flaws and all. Own it, queen! Nobody’s going to love you like you deserve until you learn to love yourself, imperfections and all. Embrace your quirks, dance to your own rhythm, and be the unapologetically awesome person you were born to be.

Oiza is a blue top


Every stumble is a hidden treasure trove of learning. Embrace your mistakes, dust yourself off, and let them guide you towards growth. Remember, the only person you’re competing with is the you from yesterday.


Life’s too short to stay stuck in a rut. Even if it’s just trying a new country’s cuisine, step outside your comfort zone and see where the path leads. You might just surprise yourself.


Take a moment each day to appreciate the little things, like a perfectly made jollof rice or a surprise text from an old friend. Remember, happiness is found in the small moments, not just the grand gestures.

So, that’s my 2023 in a nutshell – a rollercoaster ride of lessons learned, laughter, and maybe a few tears (okay, maybe a lot of tears). I’m back, I’m a little wiser (hopefully), and I’m ready to share more adventures, lessons and marketing communication tips.

Now, it’s your turn! What were your big takeaways from 2023? Share your own lessons learned in the comments below.

P.S: I hope to become consistent again. The goal is to share one post per week and then gradually grow up the consistency ladder.

Till next time,


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